

Microsoft Office 365

Students and staff have access to web-based Microsoft (MS) Office 365 with popular web apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook, etc.

Using Microsoft Office 365

You can log in Microsoft Office 365 account with your school email. Your school email is a combination of your student number + “@student.academies.edu.au”.

OneNote and OneDrive

OneNote, OneDrive, and the Office web apps are available to staff and students.

Login Microsoft Office 365 account

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your account username in the ‘Email’ field – using your school email
  3. Enter password (password is a combination of “S” + your date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy). e.g S01/01/2000

When you login your Microsoft Office 365 account,  click the App launcher (top-left corner) to browse the web apps.

Leaving us

When you leave us (including when you graduate), you must remove all Office 365 licences. You should transfer all files to your personal drive before you leave us.